I am a teaching assistant of Linear Algebra(MA113) instructed by Xuli Han in SUSTech, autumn 2022. This recitation course aims to help students systematically review basic knowledge taught by Professor Han, and find interesting examples in linear algebra. Most examples come from Qiu’s textbooks “高等代数(上、下)”.
G. Strang, Linear algebra and its applications (fourth edition), Cengage Learning, 2006.
丘维声, 高等代数(上、下), 北京出版社, 2019; ISBN: 9787301308042, 9787301308349
If needed, you can search the ISBN(s) in JD.com.
There is a supplementary material about Determinants written by Martina Bečvářová, which includes basic properties of determinants of matrices and the geometric applications of determinants.
The handwritten notes will be continuously updated until the end of this course. Feel free to download it or browse through the notes from the section below: